
La formation stellaire induite - Académie des sciences (2014)
Présentation générale (in french)

HII regions and High mass star formation

High mass stars form ionized (HII) regions. These regions expand in the interstellar medium and this expansion impacts on the surrounding.
This feedback is expected to be both constructive (favoring the formation of a new generation of stars) and destructive (destruction of the surrounding material).
I am interested in the role of this expansion on the properties of the star formation.
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HII regions and filaments

Filaments are ubiquitous in the interstellar medium. They host star formation.
I am interested in the role of HII regions in the formation of filaments.
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Big Data and Machine Learning

A wealth of existing data is available in our Galaxy at all wavelengths. This allows to use these data to learn properties of the sources using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. We just started a study to see how ML can be used to describe the Galactic Star Formation.

Presentation of BigSF Project : The research project entitled "Star formation with big data and machine learning (BigSF)" proposes to use the very large masses of data available on our Galaxy in order to build, through numerical learning methods, a new empirical model of stellar formation.
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Distances in the Galaxy

The Herschel survey of the Galactic Plane has revealed the presence of about 150 000 sources. We have been engaged in a big effort to determine the distances of these sources using available molecular data. The results are presented in a paper (Mège et al. 2020). This opens an important field for the study of star formation in the Galaxy.
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Major Collaborations

Dupé, Schisano, Molinari, Brescia et al. Machine Learning for astrophysics.
André, Schuller, Peretto et al. ArTéMiS view of high mass stars forming regions.
Motte, Zavagno, Bontemps et al. The Herschel Survey of OB Young Stars (HOBYS), France
Molinari et al. The Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane survey Hi-GAL, INAF, Italy.
Molinari et al. Vialactea: The Milky Way as a star formation engine, EU-funded FP7 SPACE-2013
Juvela, Ristorcelli et al. Planck & Herschel surveys of Galactic Cold cores.
Abergel et al. Herschel survey of the interstellar life cycle in the Galaxy.