
The SIM_Tools Processing Function is a collection of libraries and Processing Elements that prepare and build the input stars and galaxy catalogues, spectra and galaxy image thumbnails for the simulators. It also contains a module to generate Cosmic rays for the NIS and NIP channels.

The EuclidTU PE ingests star, galaxy, SSO catalogues, and instrumental and environmental data from the Mission Data Base (filters throughput, Milky Way Extinction maps, etc).

There is no specific input data product for EuclidTU. It can ingest any input data product coming from the Mission Planner (SIM_Planner), i.e either

and only uses the information contained in the generic part related to the pointing, and the magnitude and flux limits.

EuclidTU ingests galaxy, star and SSO catalogue data products in the formats

For the output, SIM_TU produces the following data product

used by all the simulator PF (SIM_ELViS_Simulator, SIM_TIPS_Simulator, SIM_Imagem, SIM_EXT).