True Universe Output Product¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product documentation:
Output data product from SIM_Tools Processing Eleement
Documentation for data product element Header:
Generic Header as specified in /sys
Documentation for data product element DpdTrueUniverseOutput:
Output of the true Universe for use by the simulators or the other OUs. It contains galaxy, star catalogs and spectra.
Data product elements¶
Header of type: sys:genericHeader
Data of type: simtu:trueUniverseOutput
Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
SIM_Tools/EuclidTU (creator)
Processing elements using the data product:
Processing function using the data product¶
SIM_Tools, SIM_ELViS_Simulator, SIM_TIPS_Simulator, SIM_Imagem, SIM_EXT
Detailed description of the data product¶
This data product is produced by the EuclidTU Processing Element. It contains references to star, galaxy and SSO catalogues, spectra files (optional), associated SED libraries, reference filter filenames, and an image thumbnails library (optional). A TrueUniverseOutput lists all the input FITS files that have been used to compute magnitudes and spectra.
The star, galaxy and SSO catalogues described in a TrueUniverseOutput data product result from the spatial merge of several Galaxy Catalog Product and Star Catalog Product according to some magnitude and flux limits specified in a SIMRequest, or an input configuration product, such as a Vis Input Configuration Product, Nip Input Configuration Product, Nis Input Configuration Product or Ext Input Configuration Product.
The TrueUniverseOutput data product contains the following elements:
InputProductId: ProductID of the input configuration product used to produce this true universe output product.
EuclidPointingId: PointingId coming from the Reference Survey Observation.
ObservationDate: refer to observation date of the images.
Pointing: Pointing of the observation.
StarCatalogRelease: Specify the catalog type (MAIN, MLT, etc) and a version number. Value is ‘Empty’ if no StarCatalog has been produced
StarCatalog: Description of a star catalog: spatial coverage, input SED library and reference filter FITS files, the catalog FITS filename, and the spectra FITS filename. The star catalogue FITS file format is described in sim.starCatalog 0.2 (see StarCatalog FITS format section in Star Catalog Product) (optional)
GalaxyCatalogRelease: Specify the type of catalog (e.g. WIDE, DEEP) and a version number. Value is ‘Empty’ if no GalaxyCatalog has been produced
GalaxyCatalog: Description of a galaxy catalog: spatial coverage, input SED library and reference filter FITS files, the catalog FITS filename, and the spectra FITS filename. The galaxy catalogue FITS file format is described in sim.galaxyCatalog 0.3 (see GalaxyCatalog FITS format section in Galaxy Catalog Product). (optional)
StampsLibrary: List of FITS files containing galaxy image thumbnails to paste in the simulated images (optional)
MagnitudeLimit: Magnitude cut in the Euclid H-band filter in AB system. It applies both to stars and galaxies (optional)
MagnitudeLimitFilter: Filter for the magnitude cut in AB system (default: Euclid-H band) (optional)
LogHalphaFluxLimit: log(Halpha flux) cut, with Halpha in unit of erg/s/cm2/A (optional)
SsoCatalog: Description of a SSO catalog: spatial coverage, start and end date of observation, SED library and reference filter FITS file, the catalog FITS filename. The SSO catalog FITS file format is described in sim.ssoCatalog 0.1 (optional).
The name of the release is given by the DataSetRelease element in the Header section of the data product.
Spectra FITS format¶
A star or a galaxy catalogue can be distributed with a library of spectra for each source. In this case, an additional SED table HDU is appended at the end of the catalog. This table contains three columns SOURCE_ID, SED_INDEX and SPECTRA_HDU. SPECTRA_HDU points to an extension with name SPECTRA_<id> in the spectra library FITS file. SED_INDEX points to a spectrum in the image contained in this extension.
The spectra are stored in multi-extension FITS files with the format sim.spectraLibrary 0.2.1. A spectra library FITS file contains at least 2 extensions WAVELENGTH and SPECTRA, defining respectively a 1D array of wavelength, and a 2D array of spectra with the dispersion along the first axis, and the spectra ID along the second axis. Spectra IDs start at zero.
Image Thumbnails FITS format¶
Galaxy image stamps are produced by the SL SWG. They correspond to objects with KIND=4 in the galaxy catalogs. The bulge_r50 value corresponds to the index of the stamp in the stamps library. The stamps are stored in a multi-extension FITS file with the format sim.stampsLibrary 0.1. Each extension contains a stamp, with WCS information.
Star SED Library format¶
The format of the Star SED library is specified by the FITS format sim.starSedLibrary 0.1. A SED library FITS file contains 2 extensions WAVELENGTH and SED, defining respectively a 1D array of wavelength, and 2D array of SED templates with the dispersion along the first axis, and the SED ID along the second axis. SED IDs start at zero.
Galaxy SED Library format¶
The format of the Galaxy SED library is specified by the FITS format sim.galaxySEDLibrary 0.2. It combines 3 libraries: 1 for the galaxies, 1 for the QSO and 1 for the High redshift galaxies.
Milky Way extinction model¶
The MW extinction is modelled with the O’Donnell (1994). This wavelength-dependent extinction model is the linear combination of 2 functions f1, and f2 defined above 1400A.