DPDD Template Example Using the MER Mosaic Product

$SetSchemaPath mer/euc-test-mer-Mosaic.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • MER_Mosaicing


  • MER_Background

Processing Function using the products


Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: maybe

The MER Mosaic product is an internal product of the SGS, the product that is used downstream by all PF is the Background-Subtracted Mosaic Product. However, the background subtraction is optimized for Euclid core science, and does not preserve low surface brightness structures. Hence, it may be of interest to provide the MERMosaic as well.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

Mosaic of one or more input stacked frames (or input calibrated frames) obtained with the same instrument and filter on a given region of the sky.

Primary header

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-test-mer.xml mer.mosaic

To print the header of an extension of a LE1 data product use (assuming the LE1 schema path is set instead of the MER one as above):

Extension headers

$PrintExtensionHeader fit/euc-test-le1-vis.xml le1.visRawImage SCI.n

To print the columns of a LE3 catalog data product use (assuming the LE3 schema path is set instead of the MER one as above):

Print catalog

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-test-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.input.le2catalog

To print the columns of a SPE catalog data product use (assuming the SPE schema path is set instead of the MER one as above):

HDU Table

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-test-le3-gc.xml le3.gc.bkpf.spe.mono BISPECTRUM