Background-Subtracted Mosaic Product

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian

Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • MER_Background

  • MER_CatalogPsfCalculation

  • MER_Compression


  • MER_Detection

  • MER_CatalogPsfCalculation

  • MER_PsfExtraction

  • MER_LowResPsfExtraction

  • MER_Kernel

  • MER_Morphology

  • MER_Photometry

  • MER_CatalogAssembly

  • MER_Compression

  • MER_MorphoPatch

  • MER_Validation

Processing Function Using the Product


Proposed for Inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: yes

These products combine all the imaging data that overlap the MER tiles, so they will be very useful for any scientific studies that require image data.

Data Product Elements


object of type sys:genericHeader


object of type mer:merBksMosaic


object of type dqc:sqfDpdMerBksMosaic


object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Detailed Description of the Data Product

This product is the result of applying the MER Background Subtraction Processing Element to a MER mosaic.

The main elements inside this product are:

  • Instrument: The instrument name (VIS, NIR, DECAM) and the telescope name (Euclid, NOAO, LSST).

  • Filter: The filter name (e.g., VIS, NIR_Y, NIR_J, NIR_H, DECAM_g, LSST_u).

  • WCS: The mosaic astrometric parameters (e.g., CTYPE1, CRVAL2, CRPIX1, CD1_1)

  • ZeroPoint: The photometric reference zero point in magnitude units.

  • ImgSpatialFootprint: The mosaic spatial footprint.

  • Masks (optional): Euclid bit masks present in the flag image data set.

  • TileIndex: The MER tile index.

  • PatchIdList (optional): The sky patch ids associated to the product.

  • ObservationIdList (optional): List of unique IDs identifying the Euclid observations that were used to generate the product.

  • CalblockIdList (optional): The calibration block ids associated to the product.

  • ProcessingMode: The MER pipeline processing mode (e.g. WIDE, DEEP) used to generate the product.

  • DataStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic signal data set.

  • RmsStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic rms data set.

  • FlagStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic flag data set.

  • PsfModelStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic PSF model.

  • FilterTransmissionStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic average filter transmission wavelength data set.

  • BrightStarMasksStorage (optional): Element that links to a json file containing the mosaic bright star spatial masks.

  • BackgroundStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the subtracted background model.

  • QualityParams: The mosaic image quality parameters.

  • BackgroundQualityParams: The mosaic background quality parameters.