The OU-SIM EXT intrument simulator (SIM_EXT) ingests data from the OU-SIM True Universe Data Products (catalogues of stars and galaxies) and from the Mission Data Base (telescope and instrument model, environment data). It shall produce focal plane images and catalogues of the external surveys to Euclid. The images shall be ingested in the EAS and used by other PF’s mainly MER for the images and LE3 for the catalogues.

The EuclidExtSplit Processing Element in SIM_EXT ingests input data products

For the output, the resulting images created by SIM_EXT are formated to EXT data products

  • DpdExtKidsRawScienceFrame for KiDS

  • DpdExtDesRawFrame for DES

  • DpdExtLssSingleVisitImage for Rubin Telescope

  • DpdExtSingleEpochFrame for the northern surveys (CFIS, JEDIS, PANSTARRS, WISHES)