NIR Relative Photometric Calibration factors between exposures

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element DpdNirRelPhotoExpCalibration:

Data Product containing relative photometric calibration parameters between the four dithered exposures of a given field.

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: nir:nirRelPhotoExpCal

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

It is created by the NIR_RelativePhotometry PE within the NIR PF.

Processing function using the data product

This is an internal NIR data product, and it is used only by the NIR PF.

Detailed description of the data product

This is a XML file containing a list of correction factors with associated errors and units for each detector, as well as specific information on the calibration procedure, i.e. calibration version, temporal validity range, filter, and observed fields.