Photometric redshift catalog Input Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Name of the Schema file

(TBF for ML2A)

Schema documentation tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Data product elements

(TBF for ML2A)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

This input data product contains the sampled PDF of the photometric redshift of each galaxy, coming from PhotoZCatalog.

The relevant columns for the present PF are the following:

  1. ID: Unique Identification Number

  2. PHZ_PDF: A vector containing the PHZ PDF values, for Z in range [0,6] with 0.01 step

  3. PHZ_MEDIAN: The median of the PHZ PDF

  4. PHZ_70_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 70% of the probability

  5. PHZ_90_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 90% of the probability

  6. PHZ_95_INT: The smallest PHZ PDF interval containing 95% of the probability

  7. PHZ_MODE_1: The first mode of the PHZ PDF

  8. PHZ_MODE_1_AREA: The total area of the first mode

  9. PHZ_MODE_2: The second mode of the PHZ PDF

  10. PHZ_MODE_2_AREA: The total area of the second mode

  11. PHZ_FLAGS: A 64 bit integer containing the flags of the PHZ processing (TBD)