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denis burgarella’s



Hello and Welcome.

My name is BURGARELLA and I am an astronomer, working in the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM). LAM is a unit of Aix-Marseille Universite and CNRS.Here is a link to my publications: Publications

Former president of the Galaxies and Cosmology Division of the International Astronomical Union (UAI),

Former President of the French Society for Astronomy and Astrophysics (SF2A).

Former President of the Astrophysical Division of the French Physical Society.

Coordinator of the International Research Network France - Japon (NECO).

My research activities are related to the formation and evolution of galaxies : understanding how galaxies formed and have evolved from the early universe to now over 13.7 Gyrs.

Astronomers in France also must help the scientific community (Service d’Observation). In this context, I am involved in the development of large telescopes like FLARE, and, in the exploitation and data analysis of large and deep surveys for Herschel (HerMES, H-ATLAS, GOODS-H)

As a member of Aix-Marseille Universite, I teach in the Master SPaCE. In M2 a numerical project: Travelling around a Globular Cluster in Space and Time. In M2, my teaching is related to the Physics of stellar formation, internal structure and evolution of stars.

I also supervise students at all levels who wish to getting to know astrophysics through interships.

Finally, I contribute to the outreach by giving talks in classes and for the public at large.

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