Date Tags IDL / CRUSH
Note that those scripts where made for use with CRUSH I. Although they could still apply with the newest CRUSH II software, they have not been tested.

In order to make batch reduction with CRUSH, I also wrote some shell scripts to simplify this process.

You can find they on gitlab or as a tar.

Shell scripts to process batch of SHARC II data using CRUSH

You have to change the to set the correct path for your configuration. You also need to create a target_sources file in the $LIST_DIR directory which list all your target sources name as reported in the fits files. Run the script to produce scan list for each target source. You can now reduce the complete project by running or individual sources with source_name  Shell scripts to reduce SHARC II project in batch with CRUSH

  • : define all the variable parameters/path
  • : make the scan lists for target sources
  • : reduce one source
  • : reduce all the target sources

IDL scripts to display CRUSH reduced SHARC II data

I also wrote a few IDL scripts I use to display astronomical maps taken with SHARC II and reduced with CRUSH. They made intensive use of the IDL Astronomy User's Library and IMDISP library.

You have to change the default path in, and then you case use the plot_scan routine with a least one argument, the fits file name, to display the signal (default), the noise (/noise), the signal-to-noise ratio (/s2n), or the integrated time (/time). You can also smooth the map to the FWHM of the CSO (/smooth), force the correct aspect ratio of the image (/aspect), crop the pixel with integrated time less than a value (crop=value), put a cross on the pointed position (/cross), change the display of the axis - offset (default) or absolute (/type), change the contours wrt to time (contours_time=[0,5]), and suppress the wedge (/nowedge)

The plot_scan routine is in fact more general and could be use with any kind of astronomical image, as long as the structure returned by the read_scan routine is filled with the right values.

  • : read the fits file; unit conversions; return a structure containing the data
  • : display the scan with various options