Star formation history in the cosmological model
Star formation history in the cosmological model
CIB anisotropies in the Bootes field (Planck/HFI map)
Planck 2013 results, XXX.
I mainly work on three research topics:
-Role of large-scale environment on star formation:
Cosmic Infrared Background Anisotropies & CII intensity mapping
Distribution of star formation among dark matter halos
Cosmological model
-Galaxy formation and evolution:
Role of dusty star-forming galaxies into galaxy assembly
Physical conditions in galaxies (gas and dust)
Cosmic Infrared Background (redshift contribution, total intensity)
Intensity mapping (CII at z>4.5 and CO at 0.5<z<2.5)
-Galactic foregrounds to the Cosmic Infrared and Microwave Backgrounds (CIB and CMB):
Thermal dust in the diffuse interstellar medium of our Galaxy
Anomalous microwave emission (spinning dust)
Main data used:
-Star-forming dusty galaxies, CIB anisotropies, cosmological model, reionisation:
ISO (FIRBACK project), Archeops, Spitzer (MIPS and IRS), Herschel, Planck,
-CIB intensity, Galactic foregrounds:
COBE, WMAP, Archeops, Herschel, Planck
-Interstellar gas tracers in the Galaxy:
HI (Leiden/Dwingeloo, EBHIS and GASS), Halpha (WHAM), CO
I am also developping empirical and semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution
Download our models and simulations from the Products page
Duties (30% of my time, ANO, CNAP):