Vis Non Linearity Model Product

Data product name


Data product custodian

Name of the Schema file


Data product elements


object of type sys:genericHeader


object of type vis:visFileContainerData


object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element DpdVisNonLinearityModel:

Model produced by the Non Linearity Calibration pipeline.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product.

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

VIS - NonLinear Calibration

Processing function using the data product

VIS – Processfield correction.

Detailed description of the data product

Model produced by the Non Linearity Calibration pipeline. JSON file produced for each qudrant defining a polynomial function which applies the non linearity correction. The polynomial coefficients are stored in numpy.poly1d() convention, in decreasing powers, starting from the highest degree.

Sample of the polynomial product:
“1-1.E”: [

1.6737016148821795e-32, -2.27198105837953e-27, 9.851909684187759e-23, -1.3871686911278604e-18, 1.0000000000000022, -1.204531435924529e-11

], “1-1.F”: [

3.5022595319426857e-32, -2.2128359779516248e-27, 2.2930667660708266e-23, -2.2696813232594336e-19, 1.0000000000000138, -1.2587978278072705e-11
