SOC OSS Product

To Be Written

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian

Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version

1.1 (this information should be updated by hand)

Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • Provide here the name of the PE in your PF creating and updating / modifying the product


  • Provide here the names of the PE in your PF using the product.

Processing Function using the products

Indicate here the PF you are aware of using the product. Can be the custodian PF itself for internal product. Can also be Science Working Group for final products. The list does not need to be exhaustive.

Data Product Elements


object of type sys:genericHeader


object of type dss:dataContainerList


object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Detailed Description of the Data Product

Please provide here a detailed description of your product. The following commands allows for automatic extraction of documentation from the FITS Data Model. You are encouraged to use them.

Print catalog

Primary header

Extension headers

HDU Table