Science Frame Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

No documentation element was found in schema file! Data Model custodian: even minimal information can be helpful

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: sir:scienceFrame

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

This data product is produced by the EndPreprocessing PE.

It is used and updated by SIR_SpectraLocation, SIR_BackgroundSubtraction, SIR_Flatfielding and SIR_SpectraDecontamination PE.

Processing function using the data product

This is an internal data product. It is used only by SIR-PEs.

Detailed description of the data product

The Science Frame is produced at the end of the preprocessing steps and it represents data contained in the whole field of view. It is serialized into a multi extension FITS file. The primary extension does not contains data but only metadata about the pointing.

Data are stored into 48 extensions: 3 for each detector. The extensions are:

  • DETn.SCI: the extension containing dispersed image values on the n-th detector

  • DETn.VAR: the extension containing variance on image values

  • DETn.DQ: the extension containing pixel data quality. This layer is used to mark non-useful data values: bad pixels, cosmic rays, persistence and so on. The value of this layer is a bit mask which follow this convention:

    • 0: hot pixel

    • 1: cold pixel

    • 2: saturated pixel

    • 3: cosmic ray

    • 4: satellite trail

    • 5: interpolated pixel

    • 6: bleeding

    • 7: on-board masking

    • 8: bad pixel

    • 9: non-linear pixel

    • 10: persistent charge pixel

    • 11: ghost masking

    • 12: transient object

    • 13: extended object

    • 14: scattered light pixel

    • 15: charge injection

    • 16: near charge injection