The aim of the SIM Processing Function (developped by OU-SIM) is to produce homogeneous simulated data amongst the ECSGS in a coordinated way for integration, validation and verification of the complexe ECSGS framework. In addition, simulations produced by OU-SIM will also serve for the End to End performance validation of the entire Euclid mission.
Within the ECSGS, the SIM PF is primarily responsible for producing simulated level-1 data for the 3 Euclid channels: VIS, NISP-P and NISP-S. Further, the SIM PF produces simulated level-EXT data: DES, KiDS, HSC and Gaia. Also, the SIM PF produces level-2 and level-3 data as processed by the OUs. The processing is emulated to produce idealized bypass data that can be used directly by OUs for debugging and optimisation of their algorithms, independently from the prior OU algorithms: SHE, MER, SPE, PHZ and LE3.

The SIM PF is divided into several Software Component, which are combined inside the SIM Pipeline. Interfaces between the different Processing Element of the pipeline are file-based. In the figure below, only the data interfaces used by each component are shown.

In many cases, there are also metadata files involved, which we describe in the following subsection of the document: