Sim Request Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Data product documentation:

Input data product for SIM_Planner Processing Element

Documentation for data product element DpdSimRequest:

Information needed from the user to launch a simulation

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: simreq:simRequest

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

SIM_Planner/SimPlannerProgram (user)

Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

Contrary to most of the data products in the ECSGS, the SimRequest input data product is written by end user. It contains the following elements that specify the simulation to be produced by the different OU-SIM channels:

  • MagnitudeLimit: Magnitude cut in the MagnitudeLimitFilter in AB system. It applies both to stars and galaxies (optional)

  • MagnitudeLimitFilter: Filter for the magnitude cut in AB system (default: Euclid-H band) (optional)

  • LogHalphaFluxLimit: log(Halpha flux) cut, with Halpha flux in unit of erg/s/cm2/A (optional)

  • RandomSeed: Random seed used and propagated across all the SIM pipeline (optional)

  • SimInputConfId: This Id is propagated in the rest of the pipeline for specific processing. This Id is present ONLY if the productCategory is set to SIMULATION. This Id could transport a full description of the SIM processing parameters or a shortcut for this configuration : CAMPAIGNTTGRISM, ROTATE90GAL,… (optional)

  • SurveyConstraintArea: Restriction to the fields with centers included in this area (optional)

  • SurveyConstraintTime: Time specific restriction in the observation list XML file (optional)

  • SurveyConstraintObservations: Optional list of ObservationsIDs taken from the reference survey (optional)

  • RandomDithers: Needed when DataProduct.Category==Calib (optional)

  • ForceDithering: Force the dithering computation instead of using the dithering in the survey file (optional)

  • ObservationMode: Wide Survey or Deep Survey

  • DataProduct: Data product type and category (e.g. Image or Spectrum, Science or Calibration, Dark or Flat, etc.)

  • VisProcessingSettings: VIS specific simulations settings, not including the common simulation settings (optional)

  • NipProcessingSettings: NIP specific simulations settings, not including the common simulation settings (optional)

  • NisProcessingSettings: NIS specific simulations settings, not including the common simulation settings (optional)

  • ExtProcessingSettings: EXT specific simulations settings, not including the common simulation settings (optional)

The name of the release is given by the DataSetRelease element in Header section of the data product.