Shear Validation Test Results

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element dpdShearValidationTestResults:

This product contains the results of Shear Validation tests as defined in the SHE Validation Plan.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product.

Data product elements

  • ExposureProductId (string) [0-1]

  • ObservationId (long int) [0-1]

  • ObservationMode (ins:observationMode) [0-1]

  • NumberExposures (short int) [0-1]

  • TileId (long int) [0-1]

  • SourcePipeline (sheSourcePipeline)

  • ValidationTestList (sheSingleValidationTestResult) * Validation Test Result 1

    • GlobalResult (ana:testResult)

    • ValidatedRequirements (ana:listOfRequirementResults)

    • TestId (string)

    • TestDescription (string)

    • Validation Test Result 2 * GlobalResult (ana:testResult) * ValidatedRequirements (ana:listOfRequirementResults) * TestId (string) * TestDescription (string)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

An XML data product containing information on the status and results of one or more validation tests.

The product specifies the SHE pipeline that generated the result using the sheSourcePipeline product. This can take one of the following values:

  • sheMomentsMlTraining

  • sheGalaxyPopulation

  • sheHstEuclidization

  • shePsfCalibration

  • sheCalibration

  • shePsfAnalysis

  • sheAnalysis

  • sheReconciliation

The product also contains a list of sheSingleValidationTestResult objects, each of which has the following attributes:

  • GlobalResult (inherited from ana:baseValidationResult)

A string indicating the result of the test. This must be one of:

  • “PASSED” - The test has passed

  • “FAILED” - The test has failed

  • ValidatedRequirements (inherited from ana:baseValidationResult)

The list of validated requirements. Each item in the list specifies the following elements:

  • Id - The requirement Id from the RSD

  • MeasuredValue - The requirement measured value

  • ValidationResult - PASSED/FAILED

  • Comment - Short comment describing the validation result

  • SupplementaryInformation - Any additional information required

  • TestID

The official ID of the test, if it has been assigned one. Otherwise, this may be some other unique identifier for the test.

  • TestDescription

A brief description of the test.