Shear Stack Reprojected Segmentation Map

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element sheStackReprojectedSegmentationMap:

SHE stack reprojected segmentation map. This map shows the connected pixels of the objects detected on the corresponding MER detection mosaic reprojected to a VIS stacked image from several individual MER tiles. The object id numbers in the segmentation map should coincide with the id numbers in the MER final catalog. This product is an output from the SHE_MER segmentation reprojection processing in the SHE_Pipeline.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product.

Data product elements

  • ObservationId (long int)

  • StackProductId (string)

  • TileList (list of 1-9 elements)

  • Tile 1

  • TileIndex (long int)

  • TileProductId (string)

  • Tile 2

  • TileIndex (long int)

  • TileProductId (string)

  • ImgSpatialFootprint

  • WCS

  • DataStorage (sheStackReprojectedSegmentationMapFile)

  • DataContainer (dss:dataContainer)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

An XML data product containing a FITS segmentation image - i.e. an image containing integer pixel values where pixels of a certain value correspond to a single source. This is used for object identification. These maps were created in MER, but in SHE_MER we reproject several MER tiles to the original VIS image projections for use in various internal SHE processes. The object id numbers in the segmentation map should coincide with the id numbers in the object catalogs.

The main elements inside this product are:

  • ObservationId: Observation ID identifying the Euclid Field that the VIS image is from

  • StackProductId: Stack Product ID identifying the specific data product from VIS this corresponds to

  • TileList: List of MER tiles that were remapped to the

VIS image frame, with the IDs of the tiles and the specific ProductIds * ImgSpatialFootprint The spatial footprint of the image either

in a serie of vertex or a bounding box.

  • WCS: The WCS of the segmentation map image.

  • DataStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the map signal dataset.