Primary Header¶
The primary head will contain the following additional information:
Time Stamp: Indentifies the date and time of fit.
Documentation for data product element shePsfCalibrationParameters:
This product contains the parameters for the Shear PSF Calibration.
Documentation for data product element Header:
The generic header of the product.
DataStorage (shePsfCalibrationParametersFile)
DataContainer (dss:dataContainer)
PSF Calibration parameters, giving the current state of the telescope for parameters which are expected to vary over the lifetime of the mission. Format TBD
Will include a set of Zernike amplitude/telescope optical layout parameters which describe wavefront propagation through the system, expected to consist of < 100 params (floats).
Surface errors defined as a map of free pixelised values, sampled across the field-of-view. Expected size ~ 30x30 floats per FOV, with ~400 FOV positions (details TBD).
Detector state format TBD, will include parameters describing the brighter-fatter effect, chip-to-chip variation.
Will contain parameters decribing the FOV-dependent mapping between the telescope model (optical layout) and zernike amplitudes, as a list of coeeficients to a polynomial fit. TBD.
Will include catalogue of star identifier with \chi^2 value per star, to satisfy R-SHE-PRD-F-100, as well as sub-pixel stellar position on the detector (2 floats), for the stellar images used in the calibration
CTI residual parameterisation TBD
The FITS output file will contain the following information:
HDU List
Telescope Mode parameters
Zernike Mode Parameters
Surface Error Parameters
Detector Model Parameters
Other model parameters
Telescope Model Parameters
The primary head will contain the following additional information:
Time Stamp: Indentifies the date and time of fit.
Currently 19 telescope model parameters are considered:
TCON: Change in conicity
TRAD: Perturbations on radius of element
TFRN: FOM1,2,3 only. Flatness of mirror
TX: Translation in X (plane of exit pupil)
TY: Translation in Y (plane of exit pupil)
TZ: Translation in Z
RX: Rotation in X
RY: Rotation in Y
The catalogue will contain the following columns
Parameter name |
Element |
Type |
M1 |
Radial |
M2 |
Radial |
FOM1 |
Flatness |
FOM2 |
Flatness |
M3 |
Radial |
Dichroic |
Flatness |
M1 |
Conicity |
M2 |
Conicity |
M3 |
Conicity |
M2 |
Translation Z |
M2 |
Translation X |
M2 |
Translation Y |
M2 |
Rotation X |
M2 |
Rotation Y |
M3 |
Translation Z |
M3 |
Translation X |
M3 |
Translation Y |
M3 |
Rotation X |
M3 |
Rotation Y |
Zernike fit parameters refer to Zernike Polynomial amplitudes themselves. The fits catalogue will contain the following columns:
SHE_PSF_CAL_FOVRNGX: Region of fit on the field of view in X
SHE_PSF_CAL_FOVRNGY: Region of fit on the field of view in Y
SHE_PSF_CAL_ZNKPLYAMP: List of Zernike Polynomial amplitudes
Surface error is parameterised as a gridded free variation in optical path difference on the exit pupil, and format TBF. The catalogue is expected to contain the following columns
FOV range X: Region of fit on the field of view in X
FOV range Y: Region of fit on the field of view in Y
Free OPD: 2D array image of additional free contribution to optical mode path difference on exit pupil. Size TBD.
The detector model parameterisation is TBD. Will include Brighter-Fatter effect parameterisation, CTI residual parameterisation, chip-to-chip variation.
Other parameterisation may include parameterisation of the AOCS guiding and shutter speed models. Format TBD.
The telescope model describes the relation between the telescope mode parameters and Zernike amplitudes across the field-of-view (links telescope mode and zernike mode parameters). Will consist of N coefficients describing a polynomial fit to Zernike amplitudes across the FOV. Format TBD.
Diagnostics includes information used to verify the quality of the fit on a per-training object basis. The catalogue form is TBF, but is expected to contain a list of stellar object identifiers, as well as \chi^2 for each.