NIR Master Flat

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


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Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element DpdNirMasterFlatFrame:

Master flat frame to correct the NIR science frames for variations in pixel response to a flat illumination. We distinguish between small scale (<100 pixels) and large scale (>100 pixels) master flat which are produced by two different calibration pipeline, although the two correction frames share the same data model scheme.

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: nir:nirMasterFlatFrame

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

The small scale master flat is created by a calibration pipeline which combines flat frames taken for the 5 LEDs in the NISP calibration unit.

The large scale master flat is created by a calibration pipeline which exploits monthly observations of the self-calibration field.

Both small and large scale master flats are used by NIR_FlatFieldCorrection PE.

Processing function using the data product

This is an internal NIR data product, and it is used only by the NIR PF.

Detailed description of the data product

The structure of the NIR Master Flat is the same as the Science Image of the NIR Calibrated Frame with 16 x 3 layers, i.e. containing median flat field correction, RMS, and Data Quality flags for each detector.

A master flat frame for each filter is foreseen. In addition, a set of metadata is used to describe the validity range, the time interval and the list of raw flat frames (small scale) or of the science frames (large scale) used to generate the master flat. For the small scale flat, calibration units that went into the calculation are also reported.