3D cosmic shear Input Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Name of the Schema file

(TBF for ML2A)

Schema documentation tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Data product elements

(TBF for ML2A)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

To compute the 3d cosmic shear coefficients the following inputs are needed, along with a set of parameters described below.

Input Catalog

This fits catalog (coming from OU-SHE) is expected to contain the following columns:

  1. ID: Galaxy Id

  2. RA: Right ascension (unit defined as a parameter)

  3. DEC: Declination (unit defined as a parameter)

  4. E1: first component of ellipticity (mode, median, mean for instance)

  5. E1_SAMP: TBD samples under pdf of e1

  6. E2: second component of ellipticity (mode, median, mean for instance)

  7. E2_SAMP: TBD samples under pdf of e2

  8. Z: redshift (mode, median, mean for instance, used for binning)

  9. Z_SAMP: samples under pdf of z

  10. WEIGHT: weight for the galaxy

Input Random Catalog

The random fits catalog, obtained from VMPZ-ID (see Output Product: Photometric Random Catalog) will contains the following necessary columns:

  1. ID: Galaxy Id

  2. RA: Right ascension (unit defined as a parameter)

  3. DEC: Declination (unit defined as a parameter)

  4. Z: redshift (mode, median, mean for instance, used for binning)

  5. WEIGHT: weight associated to the galaxy

Running Parameters

The following parameters should be specified:

  • Input catalogs: path to files as previously described

  • Random catalogs: path to files corresponding to input catalogs, as previously described

  • Z Binning: A list of redshift bins, with min and max values