Input Product: Parameters for Tomographic Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing EB Power Spectra

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • Created by hand


  • LE3_2PCF_WL_PosShear_Pipeline

  • LE3_CM_2PCF_WL_PosShear_Pipeline

Processing Function using the products

  • LE3-2PCF-WL

  • LE3-CM-2PCF-WL

Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: No

Motivation: the product gathers the necessary parameters for processing a pipeline. The products created by the processing are stored in the SAS and contain an extract of the main parameters.

Data Product Elements


object of type sys:genericHeader


object of type wl2pcf:twoPCFWLParamsPEBPosShear2D


object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Detailed Description of the Data Product

This product contains parameters to calculate the tomographic galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra.

The following parameters are needed to compute the tomographic Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing EB Power Spectra:

  • SpectralBinning: defining the redshift binning for tomography

    • Nbins: Number of power spectrum bins to consider [long]

    • SpectralBins: list (max 100 elements) of power spectrum bins, or if single, minimal and maximal multipole to be splitted [list]

      • MinEll: min multipole in the bin [double]

      • MaxEll: max multipole in the bin [double]

This is described in the following XSD types.