From a OU-SHE/OU-PHZ catalogue DpdWLPosShearCatalog, 2D-MASS-WL will provide the following output products:
E/B modes for small patches, noisy and/or denoised, with their associated SNR maps.
E/B modes for a single cluster, noisy and/or denoised, with associated SNR maps, also collected in a single tar for all sufficiently massive clusters in a catalogue.
MultiPatch E/B modes for the “full” sky, with their associated SNR maps, computed via decomposition of the sky into multiple patches for which convergence maps are computed.
Spherical E/B modes for the “full” sky, with their associated SNR maps.
Peak catalogues for statistical studies.
E/B modes and SNR maps for tests (small patches)¶
To test the production of convergence maps for small fields (for object studies such as cluster), an input DpdWLPosShearCatalog FITS catalogue collecting information from OU-SHE/OU-PHZ is needed, as well as a set of parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergencePatch (for convergence maps) specifying the location of the patches and running parameters. The noisy/denoised convergence maps and SNR products are then obtained after projection of the input region, located on the sphere, and collected in DpdTwoDMassConvergencePatch.
The flowchart is the following:

E/B modes and SNR maps for cluster studies¶
A catalogue DpdLE3clDetClusters of optical clusters with centre position, radius and richness is used as input as well as a set of parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergenceClusters and an input DpdWLPosShearCatalog FITS catalogue. The output product is a tar file DpdTwoDMassConvergenceClusters containing FITS data arrays with as HDUs the noisy/denoised convergence maps, a map containing the number of galaxies per pixel and SNR maps for a patch centred on each detected (and sufficiently massive) cluster. This tar is associated to the name of the catalogue processed to ease further joint processing.

Multi-Patch E/B convergence and SNR maps¶
For large fields processed on the sphere (for statistical studies, to compute the catalogue of peaks), a first option is to perform multiple local Cartesian projections on the sky and estimate E/B modes on these patches.
An input DpdWLPosShearCatalog FITS catalogue collecting information from OU-SHE/OU-PHZ is needed, as well as a set of parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergencePatchesToSphere defining in particular the patch characteristics, output HEALPix resolution and other running parameters. Potentially a footprint mask DpdTwoDMassVisibilityMask is also needed to define the decomposition of the sky. The output DpdTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere collects as HEALPix maps the noisy/denoised convergence, number of galaxies per pixel, Monte Carlo realisations and SNR maps.
The input and output are described in:

Spherical E/B convergence and SNR maps¶
For large fields processed on the sphere (for statistical studies, to compute the catalogue of peaks), another option is to fully process the catalogue on the sphere. An input DpdWLPosShearCatalog FITS catalogue collecting information from OU-SHE/OU-PHZ is needed, as well as a set of parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergenceSphere specifying the HEALPix resolution and other running parameters.
The product DpdTwoDMassConvergenceSphere contains as products computed on the sphere (HEALPix maps) the noisy/denoised convergence maps, the number of galaxies per pixel, Monte Carlo realisations and SNR maps.

Peak Catalogs¶
Finally, peak catalogues DpdTwoDMassPeakCatalog can be estimated for statistical studies. This is performed by detecting peaks either from aperture mass maps computed on the input catalogue (DpdWLPosShearCatalog) with parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsPeakCatalogMassAperture or from the wavelet decomposition of the convergence maps using parameters DpdTwoDMassParamsPeakCatalogConvergence, along with SNR maps. A FITS keyword indicate which estimator has been used.

# E/B modes and SNR maps for tests (small patches) :
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergencePatch * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassConvergencePatch
# E/B modes and SNR maps for cluster studies
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergenceClusters * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog * DpdLE3clDetClusters
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassConvergenceClusters
# Multi-Patch E/B convergence and SNR maps
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergencePatchesToSphere * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog * DpdHealpixFootprintMaskVMPZ
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere
# Spherical E/B convergence and SNR maps
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsConvergenceSphere * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassConvergenceSphere
# Peak Catalogs (mass aperture)
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsPeakCatalogMassAperture * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassPeakCatalog
# Peak Catalogs (convergence based)
Inputs * DpdTwoDMassParamsPeakCatalogConvergence * DpdWLProxyShearCatalog
Outputs * DpdTwoDMassPeakCatalog
Input products
Input Product: Patch-Based E/B Convergence Maps Parameters for Clusters
Input Product: MultiPatch-Based E/B Convergence Maps Parameters
Input Product: Peak Catalog Based on Aperture Mass Parameters
Output products