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The LE3_MC_ED PFs have the duty to produce a matched catalog from the Euclid redshift catalog and catalogs from external surveys:

  • Planck

  • sRosita; BOSS

The software is a Python program based on the C3 tool (Riccio et. al 2016, The LE3_MC_ED software project implements two PFs of the LE3-ED WP:

  • LE3_MCC_ED: cluster catalogs matching;

MCC-ED is a very simple function which reads a configuration file, an external input file and an official Euclid file and finds the sources in the sources in the external catalogue that have a match in the Euclid one.

The implementation of the XML Schema description of the Data Model is compliant with ST_DataModel v. 9.1

The flowchart for products related to MCC is the following: (TBD)

Input Products

Output products