The main objective of the PF is to compute galactic extinction in a defined region of the sky. The algorithm takes a list of sky positions (lon, lat) in a specified coordinate system and computes the dust extinction E(B-V) based on a reference dust thermal model. The model is represented by an external file, given as input to the main algorithm. The algorithm returns extinction and associated error for each sky position.
GALEXT-ED is a very simple function which reads a configuration file, input file with object coordinates, a Planck map implemented in the Euclid database and gives an output file with E(B-V) and its error at the input coordinates.
The flowchart for GALEXT is the following:

Thus, GALEXT_ED is designed to be used as an external library by the MER_CatalogAssembly PE, in the context of the PF MER Pipeline.
The implementation of the XML Schema description of the Data Model is compliant with ST_DataModel v. 9.1
Input products