Z-CL Input Parameters

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last edited for DPDD version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • Input provided by SWG


  • Z-CL

Processing function using the data product

  • CAT_CL


Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: No

This is just the list of the parameters to actually run the code.

Data Product Elements


object of type sys:genericHeader


object of type cl:inputZCLparams


object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Detailed Description of the Data Product

The code is still under development, current set of configuration parameters.

A section named GALAXY_CATALOG (in square brackets).

  • id: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the IDs of the galaxies.

  • ra: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the R.A. of the galaxies.

  • dec: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the Declination of the galaxies.

  • zsp: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the spectroscopic redshift of the galaxies.

  • zph: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the photometric redshift estimate (single value, not the full P(z)) of the galaxies.

If the PDF for either photometric or spectroscopic redshifts has to be used, the following keywords must be present:

  • pdf_z_x: name of the column in the galaxy catalog fits file containing the (photometric/spectroscopic) PDF of the galaxies.

  • pdf_z_x_min: minimum redshift of the grid on which the photometric/spectroscopic PDF is sampled.

  • pdf_z_x_max: maximum redshift of the grid on which the photometric/spectroscopic PDF is sampled.

  • pdf_z_x_num: number of redshifts of the grid on which the photometric/spectroscopic PDF is sampled where “x” can be either ph or sp according to whether the PDF refers to the photometric or spectroscopic redshifts, respectively.

A section named DETECTION_CATALOG (in square brackets).

  • ra: name of the column in the detection catalog fits file containing the R.A. of the detections.

  • dec: name of the column in the detection catalog fits file containing the Declination of the detections.

  • redshift: name of the column in the detection catalog fits file containing the redshift of the detections.

  • id: name of the column in the detection catalog fits file containing the IDs of the detections.

A section named MEMBERSHIP_CATALOG (in square brackets).

  • idg: name of the column in the membership catalog fits file containing the IDs of the galaxies.

  • idc: name of the column in the membership catalog fits file containing the IDs of the detections.

  • pmem: name of the column in the membership catalog fits file containing the membership probabilities of the galaxies.

A section named CYLINDER (in square brackets).

  • z_split_search: list of redshifts at which the detection sample will be cut for associating galaxies to detections.

  • r_max_mpc: distance (in Mpc) in the plane of the sky within which galaxies are associated to detections in the plane of the sky.

  • phot_z_error: factor that, multiplied by 1 + redshift, gives the nominal uncertainty on photometric redshift estimates.

  • max_dist_phot_z_error: distance, in units of photometric uncertainty, within which galaxies are associated to detection in the z-direction.

  • H0: H0 constant [km/s/Mpc].

  • Om0: Om0 constant.

  • Ode0: Ode0 constant.

A section named METHOD (in square brackets).

  • phot: method for refining the detection redshift estimate to be used when using photometric redshifts (allowed values are: PDF, AKDE, mean).

  • spec: method for refining the detection redshift estimate to be used when using spectroscopic redshifts (allowed values are: PDF, AKDE, mean).