Radial Profile Output Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Name of the Schema file

(TBF for ML2A)

Schema documentation tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Data product elements

(TBF for ML2A)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product

SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs

Detailed description of the data product

(TBC): This data product contains the list of the radial profiles for each cluster of the input catalogue of detected clusters. This is the main data product of the PROF-CL PF.


This fits file is expected to contain the following keywords in the primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product:

  1. VERSION: software version

  2. GALAXY_FILE: galaxy file name

  3. METHOD: method (TNC for Truncated Newtonian Conjugate MLE, DE for Differential Evolution MLE, MED for median separation)

  4. TOLERANCE: relative tolerance for minimization method

  5. RECENTER_FLAG: 1 to recenter, else 0

  6. ELLIPTICITY_FLAG: 1 for elliptical fit, else 0

  7. RESCALE_FLAG: 1 for parameter-rescaling to relative tolerance in minimization, else 0

  8. BACKGROUND_FLAG: 1 for uniform background added in fit, else 0

  9. N_POINTS: > 0 for number of points for Monte-Carlo integration, <0 for -log_10(relative tolerance in quadratures)

  10. MODEL: number density model (NFW, cNFW)

  11. GALAXY_COLOR: galaxy color class (all, red, blue) TBD

  12. GALAXY_COLOR_FLAG: [how to split galaxies between red and blue: easy at z=0, but not at high z] TBD

  13. DEBLENDING_NUMBER_SUBS: number of (sub)clusters (including main component) TBD

  14. CENTER_INIT_METHOD: method to initialize center (0 for DET-CL center, 1 for median center) TBD

  15. (TBC): TBD


The profclProfiles table is expected to contain the following columns, for each detected cluster:

  1. RA_CEN_BESTFIT: best fit right ascension of cluster center (degrees)

  2. DEC_CEN_BESTFIT: best fit declination of cluster center (degrees)

  3. LOG_SCALE_RADIUS_BESTFIT: best fit radius of slope -2 of NFW or cNFW density profile (r_s for NFW, 2 r_s for cNFW, degrees)

  4. ELLIPTICITY_BESTFIT: best fit ellipticity (0 for circular)

  5. PA_BESTFIT: best fit position angle (degrees, East from North)

  6. LOG_BACKGROUND_BESTFIT: best fit galaxy background surface density (degrees^-2)

  7. NOFA_BESTFIT: normalization of surface number density (degrees^-2)

  8. MINUS_LOG_LIKELIHOOD: opposite of log maximum likelihood

  9. DEBLENDING_ORDER: rank of (sub)cluster TBD

  10. BIC: Bayesian Information criterion

  11. FIT_NFEV: number of function evaluations

  12. RA_CEN_GUESS: first guess of right ascension of cluster center (degrees, from DET-CL center or from median RA)

  13. DEC_CEN_GUESS: predicted right ascension of cluster center (degrees, from DET-CL center or from median Dec)


  15. ELLIPTICITY_GUESS: first guess of cluster ellipticity from 2nd order moments (weighted by memebrship probabilities, 0 for circular)

  16. PA_GUESS: first guess of cluster position angle from 2nd order moments (weighted by memebrship probabilities, degrees East from North)

  17. LOG_BACKGROUND_GUESS: first guess of log_10 background surface density (degree^-2, taken as log(N_galaxies/area - 3)

  18. (TBC): TBD