Galaxy catalog Input Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Name of the Schema file

(TBF for ML2A)

Schema documentation tag

(TBF for ML2A)

Data product elements

(TBF for ML2A)

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

This input data product contains data from the list of galaxies and their characteristics, as established by SEL-ID_Catalog and SEL-ID_Parameters.

The relevant columns for the present PF are the following. The ‘errors on magnitude’ column are also required, although they don’t appear in the SEL-ID data products.

  1. ID: Unique Identification Number

  2. Z: (Spectroscopic) Redshift (defined as “REDSHIFT” in SEL-ID )

  3. ERR_Z: Error on EUCLID spectroscopic redshift

  4. RA: Right Ascension (degrees)

  5. DEC: Declination (degrees)

  6. MAG_Y: apparent magnitude in Y band (magnitude)

  7. MAG_J: apparent magnitude in J band (magnitude)

  8. MAG_H: apparent magnitude in H band (magnitude)

  9. ERR_MAG_Y: Error on EUCLID Y magnitude (magnitude)

  10. ERR_MAG_J: Error on EUCLID J magnitude (magnitude)

  11. ERR_MAG_H: Error on EUCLID H magnitude (magnitude)