dqc Product¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Documentation for data product element dpdDqcData:
This dataproduct is just a dummy dataproduct for use in dynamic flags.
Documentation for data product element Header:
The generic header of the product.
Documentation for data product element Data:
The data of the product.
Documentation was found in schema file but not at top level. Data Model custodia: this is unorthodox, even minimal information is helpfull.
Data product elements¶
Header of type: sys:genericHeader
Data of type: dqc:dataQualityInformationContainer
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
Detailed description of the data product¶
FlaggedProductId The Product ID of the DataProduct that is the input to the DynamicFlags PE. All Flags in this specific DpdDqcDynamicFlags DP refer to this input DP.
InputProductIds The Dynamic Flags PE may receive multiple DPs as input. In this case, a DpdDqcDynamicFlags DP is generated for each input DP separately, and all input DP’s IDs will be stored as a list, in case e.g. a flagCondition is performed across all input DPS. (e.g. DpName.Data.ExpTime LT Dp[:].Data.ExpTime)
ExceptionFlags A list of flags that have been raised due to an exception error. E.g. invalid itemPath, type mismatch.
- FlagRuleSetId
This Id is the unique reference of the object defined in this interface, this Id is processed by IAL to ensure the uniqueness.
- FlagId
An ID is required so the flag can be referred to by a reassessment. Might be removed if reassessments are modified to include an element of type flagInstance (directly referencing the flag instance in the table of flags). NOTE: There can be reassessments of all kinds of flags - i.e. a polymorphism - is this allowed? Can an “xs:choice” mechanism be used? The current implementation of humanReassessmentFlag uses both mechanisms! Delete one of them.
- ExceptionType
The type of exception, e.g. “invalid path”, “type mismatch” etc.
DynamicFlags A list of flags that have been raised for InputProductId. A flag is raised when a flagCondition returns true.
- FlagRuleSetId
This Id is the unique reference of the object defined in this interface, this Id is processed by IAL to ensure the uniqueness.
- FlagId
An ID is required so the flag can be referred to by a reassessment. Might be removed if reassessments are modified to include an element of type flagInstance (directly referencing the flag instance in the table of flags). NOTE: There can be reassessments of all kinds of flags - i.e. a polymorphism - is this allowed? Can an “xs:choice” mechanism be used? The current implementation of humanReassessmentFlag uses both mechanisms! Delete one of them.
- TriggeredConditions
List of flagConditions that evaluated to true, and thus triggered a flag.
- ConditionIndex
The index of flagCondition within the flagRuleSet
- LeftSide
Left side of an evaluated condition is always an instance (never a literal value)
- Operator
An operator to be applied on the left side can be unary or binary
- RightSide
Operator might be unary - no right side. In case of a binary operator, the right hand side is either a literal value or an item instance.
- Abort
“No” (default) means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, but continue evaluating subsequent conditions. “Yes” means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, and skip subsequent conditions. “Silent” means skip (do not evaluate) subsequent conditions without raising any flag. E.g. if numStars eq 0 succeeds, don’t go on to calculate the average of the (empty) list of star magnitudes.
- NonEvaluatedConditions
List of conditions that were not evaluated due to an abort flag in a succeeded flagCondition.
- ConditionIndex
The index of flagCondition within the flagRuleSet
- LeftSide
Left side of an evaluated condition is always an instance (never a literal value)
- Operator
An operator to be applied on the left side can be unary or binary
- RightSide
Operator might be unary - no right side. In case of a binary operator, the right hand side is either a literal value or an item instance.
- Abort
“No” (default) means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, but continue evaluating subsequent conditions. “Yes” means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, and skip subsequent conditions. “Silent” means skip (do not evaluate) subsequent conditions without raising any flag. E.g. if numStars eq 0 succeeds, don’t go on to calculate the average of the (empty) list of star magnitudes.
- FlaggedItems
List of flagged items, i.e. all items that are mentioned in TriggeredConditions or AdditionalItemsToFlag in FlagRuleSet
FlagRuleSets List of flagRuleSets that have been processed for the InputProductId
- FlagRuleSetId
This Id is the unique reference of the object defined in this interface, this Id is processed by IAL to ensure the uniqueness.
- Info
Flags are created from flagRuleSets, and they share the info contained in this complexType.
- Category
Name of the category of the flagRuleSet, and who inserted it into the archive and when
- Subcategory
Name of the subcategory of the flagRuleSet, and who inserted it into the archive and when
- InputDpName
The name of the Input data product (e.g. DpdVisAstrometricParametersDetailed, DpdMerBksCalibratedFrame, etc.)
- Name
Name of the flagRuleSet
- Severity
Severity of the dynamic flags, ennumerated string
- Explanation
Explanation of the flagRuleSet
- Obsolete
Boolean, true if this flagRuleSet is obsolete and should not be used anymore
- EntryInfo
Indicates “who requested/approved the entry of something into the archive, and when”.
- AdditionalItemsToFlag
If a flagCondition evaluates to true, all items mentioned in all of its conditions will be automatically flagged - even those that only occur in conditions that do fail. In addition, all of their ancestors in the data model hierarchy will be flagged - to enable the display of flags occurring deep down in the data product when looking at higher levels of the data product. If additional items need to be flagged (e.g. the statistics of a list where one or more items have been flagged), they should be listed here.
- FlagConditions
List of conditions to be evaluated
- ConditionIndex
The index of flagCondition within the flagRuleSet
- LeftSide
Left side of an evaluated condition is always an instance (never a literal value)
- Operator
An operator to be applied on the left side can be unary or binary
- RightSide
Operator might be unary - no right side. In case of a binary operator, the right hand side is either a literal value or an item instance.
- Abort
“No” (default) means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, but continue evaluating subsequent conditions. “Yes” means raise flag in case of condition evaluates to true, and skip subsequent conditions. “Silent” means skip (do not evaluate) subsequent conditions without raising any flag. E.g. if numStars eq 0 succeeds, don’t go on to calculate the average of the (empty) list of star magnitudes.